How should nutrition be after surgery?

After the first 7 days after the operation, only liquid nutrition is followed by puree and solid diet, respectively. Protein, vitamin and mineral supplements are often recommended in the first months after the operation.

Does the stomach expand again after sleeve gastrectomy surgery?

After the operation, the stomach, which goes below 100 ml, expands a little. If the recommendations of the doctor and dietitian are not followed, the stomach can quickly expand more than necessary. Lost weight can quickly be regained.

Is gastric sleeve surgery risky?

Patients usually do not experience any major problems. Complication rate is 2%. Since the operation is performed with the closed technique, the patient can move their body right after the surgery. It is sufficient to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days.

How much weight can those who have gastric sleeve surgery lose?

In addition to reducing the stomach volume, weight loss begins rapidly thanks to the removal of the part that secretes the hunger hormone called the fundus. Most of the excess weight is lost between 1-1.5 years. During this process, a loss of 40-50 kilos is targeted.

How is gastric sleeve surgery performed?

In this method, called sleeve gastrectomy, 85% of the stomach is cut and removed with the help of a stapler, and the stomach volume is reduced below 100 ml.

Who is suitable for gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery may be indicated for those who have a body mass index between 35-40 and those who have diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea caused by obesity.